Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Focus Group and Evaluation

Focus Group

Focus Group Response Sheets

1. What theme(s) emerged when listening to the track? Circle from the below and then add any extra you feel.
Love        friendship        Sadness      Loneliness       Happiness      Upbeat  

The first question that we asked was about the themes that people felt emerged once they had listened to the song. We gave them six options of themes that they could select once they had listened. You can see that the four most popular all got the same number, the four most popular themes were love, friendship, happiness and upbeat. All of the themes selected are positive so this gives a good idea of themes that we need to create through imagery to go along side the song. the other two options that were not as popular were sadness and loneliness, as they did not get circled as much as the others we know to avoid imagery with those themes as it was not that popular among our audience. By making this question one a question where they could not see each others answers means that we can be sure that it was the audiences own opinions given and we can use the results to help us create out video.

2. What would you expect to see in the video?

The next question that we asked was what images they would expect to see in the video after listening to the song. One of the findings was that not as many people wanted to see the band/ a performance; most people pictured something with a narrative. A lot of people expected to see things such as love and friendship, giving us some idea of what type of narrative people would enjoy. Other people made direct links with the lyrics for example hair blowing in the wind and a setting of the beach. This helped us to start considering the type of narrative people would like, most people gave us illustrative narrative ideas, helping us decide which one to use. Another suggestion was that the video would be colourful, as the song is so upbeat bright joyful colours would go nicely with the song and link them together.  

3. Did you like the song? Thumbs up or Thumbs down.

Thumbs up, thumbs down is something that we only used once during the focus group, as it is not always their own opinion as you can see other peoples around you and their opinions.  You can see in the video that people do look around the group before making their decision on weather they were thumbs up or down. Although overall four people said that they enjoyed the song, two people did not and one person was in the middle with the song. This tells us that over half of the focus group did enjoy the song and that it would be a good track to use.  

4. What characters would you picture? Circle from the below.
Male       Female       Lovers         Friends      Band/performing

 Like the other multiple choice questions people in the focus group were aloud to select multiple options if they felt it appropriate. All of the options were selected although the once that got the most selections is that people would like to see a female in the video; other popular options were friends and a band. The options that scored low were male and lovers this indicates that we should avoid putting this into our video as it is not something the audience would like to see. When you look at the results from question two only one person said they would like to see a band performing, although when given the choice more people did select that option. The main piece of information that we can take from this question is that most people in the focus group would like to see a female character in the video.

5. What genre might the song fit? Circle from the below and then add any extra you feel.
Indie          Indie-pop       Grunge        Alt

The results for this question were very interesting, only two of the four options were selected. The main option that people chose was the indie-pop genre and one person going with indie; this may simply be because the song is clearly an indie/ indie-pop song. This question has allowed us to clearly identify the genre of music video that we want to create and if we wish to create a conventional video that we should stick to indie conventions.

6. Do you prefer illustration, amplification or disjuncture? Circle the one from above

This question was able to help us decide on the type of narrative that we would like to create. No one in the group said that they like a disjunctive narrative so we know now to avoid this type of narrative. The most popular narrative option was illustrative although amplification did get chosen; this has given us an idea of the types of narrative to include in our video and what would appeal to the audience. With the genre being indie we must also consider the conventional narratives and what would fit best with the song. I would say that in most indie videos that amplification is the approach taken, but as our audience seemed to mostly like illustration we will consider both when creating the video.

7. Can you imagine lip syncing and/or performance?  Circle from the above either one or both.

Again for this question the focus group cold select more than one answer If they felt it necessary. Although a few people In the group did select performance it was not the most popular, more people did select that they would imagine lip syncing. The same amount of people that selected lip syncing also selected that they would like both. This indicates that we should try to include performance and lip syncing in the video as it would make the video more appealing to the whole of our audience.

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