Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Question 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The key part of making a promotional package was that we needed all of the products to synergise. Making them look like a whole package that worked together was something that we had to focus on. The package that we created was for an album release so each text needed to help promote the other. To do this we needed to create multiple synergetic links between the three products. The whole package makes the audience feel they are getting something extra especially with the digipak, and they feel it is something worth investing their money into. Each text helps to promote the other through the synergetic links such as the same text, setting, colours and actor.

While creating each text you needed to consider the exhibition of each one and how and where they will be seen as a package together.  You need to consider traditional vs new media for example digipak are not something you see much now. However a digipak offers your audience something more, they feel they are getting something more exclusive and extra. You will find that it is often only big fans of the band that will be willing to buy the digipak rather than download it. Compared to the advert that is more likely to be seen by more people as it may be shared around on sites such as Facebook or twitter.  As it is a possibility that our package is most likely to be accessed via new and traditional media forms so we needed to consider both.

Traditional media

 The first form of traditional media that we considered was magazines that our advert would be seen in. We felt that NME would be an appropriate magazine for the music advert to be exhibited in after looking at their audience profile. The have a mixture of male and female readers, mostly students and have an interest in media. As our genre is indie pop we wanted that mixture and NME fitted perfectly, the main genre that they cover in their magazine is indie/ alternative yet costume more popular bands such as H&m and Top shop bringing in that pop element. This magazine would also be a good magazine to put the advert in as it has that mixture of traditional and new media, they now have an app that people can download and also websites that people can go on to read the magazine.

One of the older forms of traditional media now is music channels, people rarely use the channels now however in our audience research we did find that some of our audience do still watch the channels. Again I think that the NME music channel would be an appropriate channel for similar reasons for wanting to use it for the advert. However during audience research people said that they do like to watch music videos on Kerrang, it is an alternative channel so would again be appropriate however may not be quite right fir an indie-pop video.

The next text to consider is our digipaks exhibition, now a digipak is probably to only part that may not be as available to new media. A digipak is usually purchased around the release date for the record and will be perchance from record stores.  You will find that it will only be dedicated fans that will purchase the digipaks as they will fell they are getting something exclusive, that is worth their investment

New media

New media is good as it allows you to make all of your texts easily accessible for your audience. Most things can be found online now and it is easier for your audience if they can find your package online. Nearly all of our audience during research said that they accessed music videos from YouTube, so this is the platform that we felt it best for the video to be published on.  YouTube also allows for the video to be shared onto other social media sites and platforms easily, making it even more accessible for our audience.  However this does come with its drawbacks as it does allow for the promo to be illegally downloaded/ people are able to access it for free. 

Often now when an album I purchased from iTunes you will be able to download a digital booklet. However people are not as interested in this now and will often only want the songs and not the extra purchases. Also people often now do not even purchase music, with the growth of Spotify and it being a simple process to download music for free onto your phone why would people want to pay for it to get a digital booklet.    

The advert although would be something seen in traditional media (magazines) is something that can easily be converted to new media. Most magazines now have an online site or they will have an app that makes it easier to see the advert. Also the advert does not need be exclusive to magazines, it could easily be shared around social media sites as an image as a form of advertising.

However our audience accessed the package be it new or traditional media we needed to make sure that they knew they were getting a package. We needed to make sure that we used multiple visual links to create synergy. The main imagery that is created through the lyrics is the sea and the beach so we wanted this to be a strong visual that you could see in our main product and our ancillary texts. To so this we made sure that all of the photographs used for our ancillary texts were once that matched the setting of our beach in the video.  

You can see when you look at all of our individual images on the ancillary tasks and some settings from the video how it all synergises together through the setting. There becomes a clear theme throughout and this can also be seen through the use of colour. When you look at our advert you can see that the setting is not as clear as some of the other texts however we have still been able to create the beach theme through our use of colour. You can see the sea and the blue sky in the background however it is blurred and not as clear as our other texts. However we made our text yellow, the connotations of the colours yellow and blue together will usually be the beach or seaside, so again we have been able to create that synergy through the colour and the connotations behind that. You can also see this again on the main cover of the digipak, there is the blue background of the sea and sky and the yellow text for the title. Another aspect of the mes-en-scene that allowed us to create synergy in the package was the costume. In the video we had a few costume changes for our main actor, the costume that she wore at the beach was the main costume. It was the one that linked in with the lyrics of ‘baggy jeans’ it was also the one that fitted in well with the vintage/ 90’s style of the video and band. So when creating the ancillary texts we made sure that the costume was the same one as the beach setting. Also one of our main shots on the digipak is a shot of her shoes in the sand, this links in with the video as we use a similar shot in the video of a close up of her feet with those shoes on walking into the water. This helps to connect the two and makes synergetic links between them. Another more obvious way that out mis-en-scene helped to create synergy was to make sure that we used the same actor for the video and the ancillary’s. It is this combination of elements of mis-en-scene that have allowed us to make sure that our combination of texts is effective and that they work well as a package.  

Elements other than mis-en-scene that helped to make the combination of texts effective was our choice of typography. The main part of our task was to create a package, so we needed to make sure that was the same for each text. The key parts of information are the song title, band name, release date were all the same text throughout the package. These bit of information would be the biggest pieces of text on each text so if you were to look at all three together you would be able to see that the text created synergy throughout all of them. Other text included the text what we used to write out the lyrics in, we did this on two different panels so we made sure that on each panel it was the same for the lyrics on both again making the package effective through synergy. All of these elements make the package effective and this is mostly done through making sure that we create synergy between all of the products.    

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