Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Vox Pop- Advert




After creating a few sample drafts of our music advert we decided it best to create a vox pop and get some audience feedback to guide us in what to do next. We gave them two of the first drafts that we created and asked them about them. The questions we asked would help to see what the audience like and what else they would like to see within the advert. For this vox pop we asked 2 males and 2 females, giving us an even idea as to what our audience thought of the advert.

Question 1 - do you think the image is appropriate and do you think it adheres to the indie genre?

  • It definitely adheres to the indie genre, the only unconventional thing you've got is that you can't see their face. So maybe it would look better on the back of the cover as opposed to the front if it's the digipak, but for the poster see part of the face even though it looks good but it is quite unconventional

The first answer we got was very helpful for thinking about how conventional that advert is, they brought up the fact that we used an image where you only saw the back of the artist. We had originally used this image as it linked with the lyrics nicely 'silky hair' 'baggy jeans' and the setting of the beach were all visible in the image and all mentioned within the lyrics of the song. Although we may now consider using a different image where the face of the artist is visible, we may consider using a mid shot for this so that we can still see everything that we wanted visible yet also keeping it convectional.     
  • I like the image as it is nice and simplistic.
  • I like the image, I think it's appropriate for the genre you're going for
  • I think it's really good, the band's called pale waves and the setting is the beach and ocean, the costume is good and the actor is a good choice.
The rest of the responses that we got were all positive, everyone liked the image and felt that it fitted the genre. People also really liked the setting and felt that it fitted in well with the band image and the song nicely. Although by keeping this image is does make the advert unconventional and this is something that we would like to avoid, but our audience to seem to like the images so that is something we would have to take into consideration.  


Question 2 - what text did you prefer and why?

  • I preferred the first one in white but preferred the colour in yellow, so maybe the white one in yellow and maybe capital letters to make it slightly bolder.
  • I preferred the yellow text as it stands out a bit and makes it easier to read
  • The yellow text as it stands out more and I like the font that it is in.
  • Definitely the first one, the one with white font, it blends well with the overall image.
For this questions we had a split between which text was favoured, two people liked the yellow one and two others liked the white. This gave us a clear indication that both of the texts were appropriate and either used would appeal to the audience. When asked about the text most people referred to the colour of the text rather than the typography. Most people did like the colour yellow and felt that it fitted in with the theme of the beach and seaside. This gave us a clear indication that we should keep to the blue and yellow theme. 

Question 3 - did you like the colour scheme? what colours would you perhaps like to see?

  • I like the colour scheme, I think it's quite nice because it does fit in with what I've seen of the music video so far, you've got the same location and things. The only thing I'd say is to make sure it's the same typography throughout.
  • I liked the yellow, I thought it worked quite well with the background.
  • I really liked the colour scheme, I liked the blues and yellows, I thought they worked well together.
  • Overall, I think the colour scheme is well blended and it all matches especially with the costume, nothing majorly clashes, it all goes quite well.
The overall response was that everyone did like the yellow, they felt it appropriate especially with the setting of the beach. With using the colour yellow we were trying to keep the theme of the beach and make sure that we had synergy throughout. From these answers we can conclude that the yellow does work well and is something that we should consider keeping within the advert.  


Question 4 - can you recommend and improvements?

  • I think perhaps play around with a variety of images, try ones with side profile and a bit of face to see if it works, that would be nice as the back of the digipak so you have the front as part of the face then perhaps the back of her at the back so it mirrors it quite nicely potentially.
  • No
  • Add a bit more information
  • Experiment with other shots types, maybe a mid-shot or close-up with the actor facing a different direction.
From this question we were able to see if people wanted anything more from the advert. Most people seemed very happy with the first drafts and felt that most things on the advert are working well. One thing that some people did say could possibly be improved was that maybe trying different shot types and to try different images. We now may try to use different shots with the artist facing forward. Another thing that was suggested was to add more information, as the images we showed them were drafts we had not yet added everything that will be on there and we wanted the audiences response to the image and typography, so obviously more information and detail will be added for our final advert.


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