Friday, 7 October 2016

Ancillary Planning- Drawings

Here are our initial ideas for our advert, and ancillary. We have drawn out a rough idea of what we wish to create and. For our advert we want the setting of a beach to be consistent throughout all of our ancillary's and video as it ties in well with the lyrics of the song. We want to use a long shot/ mid shot of the singer at the beach, with the title and band name running along the top. The font we wish to us a hippy/ vintage style font, this fits in with the band image of vintage/ the 90's. Along the bottom of the advert we will have details such as the release date, record company and where the song can be bought. This keeps the advert conventional as it will have all the information needed on it yet also make it clear and have the image as the focus point. For the colours theme we wish to go with blue and yellow, this will tie in with the image (sand and sea) and also with the theme of the song.      

For our digipack we wish to create a six panel pack, again with the theme of the seaside. This makes sure that everything is synergised together. We plan on using five pictures as there will be one panel for the CD. For the cover of the album we want to use an image similar to the one that we will use for the advert. Then for he other pictures we will use others that have been taken form the same location, by keeping each picture from the same location it will make the digipack, synergise and flow much more. One panel will have a track list of other songs on the album, the image background for this will possibly just a shot of the sea so that the writing will be clearer to read, Then on another panel we will put the lyrics of the song that we are creating the video to, again for this we will want more of a simplistic picture from the beach location. Other panels will have no text and just be other images that tie in. Using shots that may be similar to ones seen  in the video making them all synergise. For example one shot in the video is a close up of her feet walking into the sea, so we then may use a shot of her feet in the sea for the digipack. The sky is mentioned in the song so we may use images of that on the digipack as it will also link with the colour scheme on blue and yellow.  

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